
Can AI be trusted to translate the law?

Imagine you're in a foreign country trying to understand a poorly translated road sign. Now, think of legal translations where a single misinterpreted word can lead to significant legal consequences. Legal language is complex and filled with specialized terms that don't translate easily across languages. To address these challenges, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being introduced as a potential solution. But can we rely on AI to handle such a critical task?

The big problem with legal translations

Legal language is complex and full of specialized terms that can be difficult to translate. These terms are not just specific to a language but also closely tied to legal contexts that differ widely across various regions and cultures. Effective translation requires a deep understanding of both the language and the legal principles involved to ensure accuracy and appropriateness. Traditionally, specialized agencies have handled these complex translations. However, due to their centralized approach, they often encounter operational delays. The sheer volume and intricacy of legal documents require detailed attention, which can slow down the translation process. This delay can hinder legal proceedings, impacting the timely delivery of justice and adherence to regulations. Such challenges highlight the need for more efficient and flexible translation methods in the legal sector.

Read more: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Legal Translation Services and Companies

Enter AI: The new kid on the block

AI has become a valuable tool to address the challenges of human translation. It utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms and extensive databases to translate documents much faster than humans. This is particularly useful in the legal sector, where prompt access to translated documents is essential. For example, The Indian Express reported that India's Law Ministry has started using AI to translate laws into various regional languages. This initiative aims to reduce the reliance on the central government for legal translations, which can be slow. By speeding up translations, the project enhances the efficiency of legal processes and improves access to laws for India's diverse linguistic communities. This not only speeds up legal procedures but also fosters greater understanding and inclusion among speakers of different languages.

The good stuff

AI offers significant benefits in the field of legal translations, greatly enhancing the speed and cost-effectiveness of translating legal documents. By using advanced machine learning techniques, AI can quickly translate large volumes of legal material, reducing both time and expense. As AI systems process new data and corrections, they become better at accurately translating complex legal terminology. This ongoing improvement leads to more reliable translations over time. For legal professionals and policymakers, this results in faster and more consistent access to important legal documents in multiple languages, which helps streamline governance and speed up legal proceedings. These advancements not only make legal processes more efficient but also improve access to justice, showcasing AI’s role in bolstering the legal system.

The philosophical angle

However, using AI for legal translations goes beyond technology. It involves deep philosophical and ethical considerations. Law is fundamental to society, deeply rooted in cultural and historical contexts that shape its interpretation and enforcement. AI lacks the ability to fully understand these nuanced human elements crucial in legal language, such as tone and inflection in witness testimonies, which are essential for gauging intent and truthfulness. Additionally, accurately translating legal idioms and cultural references requires more than linguistic skills; it demands a profound understanding of the culture, a capability that AI has not yet mastered. This gap presents significant challenges in accountability and ethical responsibility in AI applications.

The legal perspective

Using AI for legal translations has complex and significant implications. Errors made by AI can lead to serious misunderstandings that might change the outcome of legal proceedings and affect how laws are applied. These mistakes can deeply impact individual rights and the integrity of the justice system. This situation underscores the importance of human oversight. AI-generated translations need thorough checks by experienced legal translators to ensure accuracy and reliability. Combining AI's fast processing with human expertise can improve results, but this requires careful management and strict adherence to high standards. This balanced approach helps ensure that while AI handles most of the translation work, crucial human review remains essential to refine the final product and prevent legal errors

Real-life risks and realities

AI's role in legal translation presents significant challenges, especially where accuracy is crucial. Mistakes in AI-assisted translations can cause serious misunderstandings with major consequences. For example, during an international business negotiation, an AI system misinterpreted a key legal term, leading to a contract based on inaccurately translated terms. This error resulted in a costly and lengthy legal dispute. Such cases highlight the risks of relying too heavily on technology in precision-critical areas. It is essential to implement strong safeguards and maintain continuous human oversight to check AI outputs. This combination is crucial to prevent major errors and ensure the accuracy and integrity of legal translations, thereby protecting all involved parties from potential legal issues.

The road ahead

Looking forward, AI's role in legal translations is set to grow significantly. As technology improves, AI systems will likely become better at interpreting the complexities of legal language and the diverse cultural contexts of the laws. These advancements may result in more accurate and relevant translations, which could revolutionize legal practices worldwide. However, it's crucial that these AI systems consistently uphold ethical standards, focusing on justice and fairness. The quality of legal outcomes and the safeguarding of individual rights largely depend on ensuring that AI adheres to these principles. As AI integrates further into legal systems, keeping this ethical focus is essential to minimize risks and build trust in AI-assisted legal processes.


As legal professionals, policymakers, and engaged citizens, it's important to carefully consider the use of AI in legal translations. While AI offers significant benefits in improving the efficiency and accessibility of legal services, it is not perfect. Adopting a balanced approach that uses AI’s strengths and compensates for its weaknesses with human oversight can significantly change how law and technology work together. As we navigate this technological frontier, we face a critical question: How much should we trust machines with our legal systems? If you're interested in exploring different AI and machine translation tools, you can visit our homepage to access our AI-powered machine translation aggregator. For additional access, sign up for our free subscription plan, which provides 1500 credits monthly.